Online Players

Discord Members

About Us
Neon River Roleplay was founded in August of 2023. The server originally started as a mess around fivepd server for a bunch of friends then they decided to expand. When creating this server the founders consulted all of the pros and cons of other servers and used them to create a server called Neon River Roleplay. The entire goal of Neon River was to have a place where people could have fun yet have serious roleplay. The founders of NRRP hope to see you in server soon!

  • Is this server whitelisted?

    Yes! You can apply under the applications tab on our website!

  • Why are my lights all messed up?

    You need to install the SirenSettingLimitingAdjuster. You can find the download under the downloads tab on our website.

  • Is there an age limit to join?

    The only requirement we have is that you are at least 13 years old to comply with Discords' TOS. Speaking of Discord being required for our server,

  • Can I be in more than one department?

    Yes! We have no restrictions on how many departments you can join. Just remember the department heads may have time requirements for their department.

  • Do you use a CAD system?

    Yes we use Sonoran CAD. All the information you need can be found in the server info tab in our discord! You can also download our CAD system under the downloads tab on our website.

  • Is TeamSpeak required?

    TeamSpeak is only required if you are planning on joining any emergency agencies. Our TeamSpeak server is in coordination with Sonoran Radio to provide a realistic radio system.